Happy New Year – Wishing you a beautiful, successful and healthy 2025!
January 2025 Newsletter
Please use the link below if you would like to print the newsletter:
Water Reporting Reminder – Owners in Filings 3, 4, 5, 6
Please remember to report your water meter reading which is due prior to December 31, 2024.
These numbers are very important to retain water rights in the Cuerno Verde Subdivision.
You may send your report in December (or sooner if applicable) to cuernoverde@warrenmgmt.com
Thanks so much!
This space will be updated with 2025 CVOA Activities.
Annual Meeting 2024.
Results of the voting are as follows:
Bylaw Change Vote – to change the date and time of the annual meeting – 68% FOR (85 votes) and 32% AGAINST (40 votes)
Vote to approve budget – 80% FOR (99 votes) and 20% AGAINST (25 votes)
Current Board Members:
President Patricia Skrdlant
Vice President Larry Bailey
Secretary Linda Griffin
Treasurer Patricia Skrdlant
Member at Large Robert Guevara
Member at Large Jimmy Ash
Please Note: One of the reasons for changing the annual meeting time is due to Warren Management’s Policy not allowing their employees to host meetings on holiday week-ends. CVOA received a one-time exemption to this policy allowing Ashlee Sacdalen, our WMG Community Association Manager, and Emma Anderson, WMG Management Team Assistant, to be in attendance over Labor Day Weekend.
Members Minute
Board of Directors, Cuerno Verde Owners Association
120 Clubhouse Way, Westcliffe, CO 81252
Facebook Page: facebook.com/cuernoverde
website: https://cuernoverde.org/
email: cuernoverde@warrenmgmt.com
President/Treasurer Patricia Skrdlant
Vice President Larry Bailey
Secretary Linda Griffin
Members at Large Robert Guevara, Jimmy Ash
Each owner of property in the Cuerno Verde Owners Association received the Annual Meeting Announcement in both their email inbox and by USPS in their mailbox. If you have not received your Announcement, Agenda, Proxy, Ballot and “DRAFT” Amendment to the CVOA bylaws, please contact Warren Management immediately using the links below.
You will notice that the 2024 Newsletters Tab has been added to the sidebar of each page of your CVOA Website, including a copy of the 2024 Annual Meeting Announcement mailing in the 2024 Newsletter tab on the right side of this page.
The Cuerno Verde Owners Association is managed by the Warren Management Group of Colorado Springs. Please scroll down for more important information sent in the February Newsletter.
Important Contact information for Cuerno Verde Residents follows:
To log into the owners portal:
From The Warren Management Group
February 29, 2024
Good morning residents!
Warren Management Group is excited to announce we will be relocating our office beginning Friday, March 15! We will be closed that day. We anticipate being open for business again on Monday, March 18.
Our new address will be 4050 Lee Vance Drive, STE 250, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. This is in the David C. Cook building on the south side of Woodmen Road between Rangewood Drive and Austin Bluffs Parkway.
One notable change is that this is a fully secured facility. Visitors with an appointment must check in at the security desk at the visitor entrance, which is located on the west side of the building. This policy will not hinder Owners’ ability to attend Board meetings held at our office.
Your community’s telephone number, email address, and the address for Assessment payments (District or Association Name, c/o Warren Management Group, PO Box 98035. Phoenix, AZ 85038-8035) will not change. We prefer that payments not be mailed or dropped off at our office.
To email Warren Management:
To telephone Warren Management:
Phone number 719-653-3017 (Cuerno Verde specific community number)
Mailing Address:
Cuerno Verde Owners Association
c/o Warren Management Group
PO Box 98035
Phoenix, AZ 85038-8035
To learn more about the Warren Management Group, please visit their website.
Cuerno Verde Owners Association February 2024 Newsletter
Announcements by the CVOA Board of Directors
Warren Management Group:
We’re happy to say we are now on board with Warren Management. They are sending introduction information by US Mail. We are looking forward to having their professional knowledge as they assist the Board in the operations of the Cuerno Verde Owners Association.
Annual Dues Reminder:
Association annual dues of $125 per lot were due on or before January 31st. The Board will be thrilled if all dues arrive in the mail prior to February 29th, before any penalties are required to be added! If you haven’t sent payment, mail to CVOA, 120 Clubhouse Way, Westcliffe, CO 81252 very, very soon. Please address any questions to cuernoverdeboard@gmail.com
Use of ATVs in the Subdivision
Please remember licensed and insured ATVs may be ridden only on the roads within Cuerno Verde OR on your own property. Please be aware you could be charged with trespassing and/or destruction of private property if not following this Colorado law.
The Board would like your input as we consider offering Cluster Mailboxes (CBUs).
Thanks to Cindy Gaskill for researching this information!
A typical Cluster Mail Box Unit contains 16 boxes and currently costs approximately $900 (we estimate $75 to $100 as a one-time cost for each participant). We would need to get CBUs that are approved by the USPS. These units usually come with 2 large lockers for packages. USPS requires users to pour the concrete bases. USPS installs the unit and provides the locks for the mailboxes. (this process would take several weeks) There is no additional monthly or yearly charge from the postal service for delivering to the CBUs. In other words, this would be much less costly than the annual rental fee for a box at the Westcliffe Post Office. The idea is to initially have 3 locations for the CBU’s in the subdivision. Be aware, your street address is used for your mailbox address, just the same as for current mailboxes.
Benefits include:
– CBUs are very useful for preventing mail theft and identity fraud.
– Our current mailbox clusters are susceptible to being damaged by snow plows.
– CBUs allow for easy addition of mailboxes as new residences are built.
– Mail delivery to CBUs is much safer and more expedient.
Those who currently have mailboxes at their homes, could continue to use them. It is hoped, that to make this work, many of those who currently have boxes lined up on Kiowa and on HWY 69 and elsewhere, would seriously consider switching – for personal safety and mail safety.
If you have an interest in CBUs please send responses and comments to Cindy Gaskill at cynthiagaskill2@gmail.com. We are in the consideration phase and no one will be locked in at this time.
By-Law Amendment
The Board is considering amending the by-laws due to vigorous discussion during the annual meeting last September. Many individuals would like to see the meeting changed to a time other than the currently required time of “the Saturday of Labor Day at 11:00 am”. More details will be coming on this issue in the next several weeks.
Social Committee:
The Social Committee is still looking for new ideas as well as any suggestions for social events for the year 2024. Please send your ideas to socialcvoa@gmail.com .
Education Minute:
When you are considering plans for construction or modification of any structure in the Cuerno Verde subdivision, please carefully follow the setback requirements as no exceptions are allowed.
Protective Covenant 14, “Setback Requirements”, details setbacks from property lines. (See below). So why do the Covenants require setbacks from property lines? Mostly, it is for your protection! What Covenant 14 really establishes is that no structure on your neighbor’s property will be closer than 100 feet from any of your structures. And it helps in establishing a safer distance of 75 feet from potential damage from a flooded stream bed. (Remember back to our 6 inches of rain in 2 hours a couple years ago?) Setbacks are for your protection and will continue the beauty and serenity of our wonderful subdivision. And please keep in mind and be supportive of the fact that setbacks need to be verified if your proposed structures fall within 70 feet of your property line.
COVENANT 14. SETBACK : No building or structure shall be constructed within 50 feet of the center line of any public street or roadway (see note below) or property line. The only exception to this shall be fences. The maximum building height shall not exceed 25 feet. All buildings of a principal nature shall also be set back a minimum of 75 feet from the center of any stream bed, whether or not such stream bed be of a permanent or temporary nature.
Set back distance required by Custer County Zoning is fifty (50) feet from all property
lines. The reference to the center of the road is not applicable, since it has no
effect on the required setback from the property line.
Please be advised these email addresses will soon change – as we get up and running with Warren Management Group. Our CVOA Website will provide the new contact details.
cuernoverdeboard@gmail.com– CVOA Board of Directors
cuernoverdeboard@gmail.com – All Architectural Plans
cuernoverdeboard@gmail.com – June and December Water Report
cvoafiremitigation@gmail.com – Mitigation and Slash Pile
socialcvoa@gmail.com – Clubhouse Reservations and Information
Online (these will remain the same)
cuernoverde.org – Cuerno Verde Owners Association Website
facebook/cuernoverde – Cuerno Verde Facebook Page
Always check this website and check your email for updates to the next scheduled meeting.
Announcement of next Board of Directors Meeting: No schedule available
Please follow this link to the January 2024 Newsletter
The Annual Dues notices of $125 per property/parcel were mailed by the Association in December and will be due on January 31, 2024. Please pay promptly, all past due accounts are subject to a $25.00 per month late fee and 8% interest charges.
All payments to the Association should be made to CVOA and mailed to :
Cuerno Verde Owners Association
120 Clubhouse Way
Westcliffe, CO 81252
If you have questions, please contact the Board of Directors at the email listed above. Remember there is a FAQ page on the website as well as a Letters to the Board page where you may find your questions already addressed.
We look forward to seeing you at social events, meetings and in the neighborhood throughout the coming months.
A note about the slash pile behind the barn in the common area: It is for fire mitigation around Cuerno Verde residences only, not for undeveloped properties and clearing. It is expensive to have the piles chipped, so we must be prudent about how much slash we collect. Here is the official protocol for what is allowed in the slash pile:
- The slash pile is solely for mitigation of the Home Ignition Zone.
- The Home Ignition Zone is defined as the area within 200 feet of a residential structure by the Cuerno Verde Owners Association Community Wildfire Protection Plan under the standards for the Plan established by the Colorado State Forest Service.
More News: The information for Social activities in Cuerno Verde can now be found on its own page! Please look for upcoming events at the CVOA Social Events page on this site
The Association has received numerous complaints regarding outdoor lighting. While it is understood that security and safety are also important issues, the Board asks that all members consider how their outdoor lighting affects their neighbors.
Floodlights, motion sensor lighting and outdoor lighting in general may not be noticeable to the owner but may shine directly at a neighbor’s home affecting their nighttime enjoyment and rest. Please be considerate of your neighbors. As this area is included in the international designation as a “Dark Skies Community,” the Board urges all of our members to support and to make necessary changes to outdoor lighting. These changes are often referred to as “downward facing or hooded lighting.” Information and assistance may be found on https://www.darkskiescolorado.org/
Neighborhood suggestions: https://www.darksky.org/our-work/lighting/lighting-for-citizens/my-neighbors-lighting/
https://cuernoverde.org/ Website
https://www.facebook.com/cuernoverde/ FaceBook
Grand ReOpening of the Cuerno Verde Clubhouse- June 4, 2022
“Grand Re-Opening of the Cuerno Verde Clubhouse”
During the past month, website updates have continued. A few links are provided below to quickly find information and redirect your search on this website:
- Association Documents
- Newsletters – Members page – Members
- Architectural Information – Building
- Meeting Minutes – please see the right side bar on each page of the website.
- CVOA Calendar
- Community calendar -Not CVOA- https://valleystrong.us/
- Maps for CVOA Properties and Common Areas – Map
- Water Reporting Information Water
- Frequently Asked Questions
Mailing address:
The Cuerno Verde Owners Association
CVOA, 120 Clubhouse Way, Westcliffe, Colorado, 81252
To mail architectural information to the Architectural Committee, please use:
ACC/CVOA, 120 Clubhouse Way, Westcliffe, Colorado, 81252
Cuerno Verde Clubhouse Remodel
Pictures taken on March 13, 2021
As work continues and “finish work” nears completion, the clubhouse once again takes on the appearance of a construction site. Of course things are getting done!
Some improvements are still scheduled for the kitchen but completion may be in the next years budget!
These are pictures of the clubhouse remodel as of 12-22-2021
Although more recent pictures have been sent via Newsletter, they will soon be posted to this site.
Common Interest Communities– Not News but Very Important
Common-interest communities, also known as common-interest developments or CIDs, include housing developments comprised of individually owned properties, in addition to shared facilities and common areas. CIDs usually are created through a set of legal documents drafted by the developer. Typically after development a transfer occurs and these types of communities are then governed by an association made up of the individual property owners which are most often governed/administered by an elected Board.
A common interest community having certain criteria will also be governed by the Colorado Statutes, specifically the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) in addition to the Non Profit laws, the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act (“Nonprofit Act”). If qualifying then these laws apply regardless of the date of the community formation.
It has been stated that other HOAs in the Custer County area and throughout Colorado, do not operate in the same way as the Cuerno Verde Owners Association. This is a true statement and it should be known why it is true.
Not all HOAs have the existing conditions which make them governable under CCIOA.
A community that does not contain common property may not be considered a common interest community under CCIOA. If it does, then the community falls under the governance of CCIOA.
Criteria for a common interest community:
a) Mandatory membership in the homeowners association
b) Common ownership of real property
c ) Owners are obligated to pay assessments for operation of the association, taxes, insurance and maintenance and improvements of the common properties
d) The homeowners association must have a recorded Declaration (Covenants) tied to and enforceable upon all listed common and privately held properties within the community
When the criteria for a Common Interest Community is met, by statute, the CCIOA sets forth the general powers and duties of the homeowners association. This includes the power to adopt a budget for common expenses, maintain and regulate the use of the common elements, impose late charges for the late payment of assessments, and levy fines for violations of the declaration, bylaws, or rules of the association.
CCIOA also contains numerous provisions addressing governance matters, including procedures for meetings and voting, insurance requirements, and maintenance of association records to name a few.
Additionally, the association’s declaration, bylaws, or rules may set forth additional provisions addressing association governance that do not conflict with CCIOA.
Information and articles to look for in future newsletters:
Covenants: “Another Look!”
Policies: “Why?”
Bylaws: “How do they serve our community?”
And many other important issues affecting our Owners Association will be examined in upcoming Newsletters. Newsletters may be found on the Members page.