The Cuerno Verde Owners Association is now being managed by the Warren Management Group of Colorado Springs.

The contact information for Cuerno Verde Residents to email their meter reading is: 

cuernoverde@warrenmgmt.com  – email address

Phone number 719-653-3017 (Cuerno Verde specific community number)

Why do Cuerno Verde Residents in Filings 3-6 have to report water usage?

Under the Water Augmentation Decree allowing permitted water wells within the Cuerno Verde subdivision, water usage reports must be filed with Colorado Water Resources, Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on January 1 and July 1 of each year.  To compile the report, owners of homes in filings 3-6 are required to submit semiannual water meter readings to the association.  Owners should submit readings in June and December.  June 30 and December 31 are the deadlines for reporting and submission by Association to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  As a convenience to owners, reminders will be sent by waterreportcvoa@gmail.com.  Reminders to report  meter readings will be emailed on or about June 1 and December 1 of each year. After sending your report, you will receive a confirmation that your report has been received. If you do not get a confirmation notification, please contact the email below under the headline “Reporting.”

Please be aware, compliance with the reporting requirement protects our water rights.  Unfortunately compliance is the duty of the Association and carries a fine for failure to report.  (See CCIOA Required Governance Policies, Document Tab)


To report your water meter reading and to receive an email confirming your report, please use the following email: 


You will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive confirmation, your emailed report was not received and was not submitted to the Division of Water Resources (DWR), Department of Natural Resources. A printed record of all reports sent to DNR are kept on permanent file.

The water reporting form previously found on this website is no longer available.

Water, Precious and Beautiful!   Antelope Creek -photo courtesy of C. Stopka